- A budget will be prepared based on prior years with future projections. For new businesses, a budget will be created based on forecasted revenues and expenses. This allows each business to assess where they are in meeting their objectives and where adjustments need to be made.
- An Actual to Budget Income Statement, both MTD and YTD, will be prepared monthly so the client can compare if they are over or under budget and make adjustments accordingly.
Cash Flow Analysis
The Cash Flow Analysis will show all the actual information through the current month. The future months will be based on the current budget. However, if unexpected expenses or income arise, they will be shown on the Cash Flow Analysis so the client can prepare for the unexpected cash needs.
Monthly Financial Review & Strategic Planning
- Personal Month End Meetings are available to discuss items such as:
- Financial performance of the previous month
- Why are the actual revenue and expenses over or under budget?
- Are there actions that can be taken to bring the budget back in line?
- Expectations for the next month
- Are there any unexpected expenses or changes in revenue that need to be addressed?
- Can changes be made to increase revenue or decrease expenses?
- Cash Flow Planning
- Is there enough capital to continue running the business? Is a capital call needed or can a distribution be given?
- Are there any capital expenditures over the next 6 months that need to be saved for?
- Is Financing or a Line of Credit needed?
Job Costing
Expenses will be tied out to each job or service, so the client can determine the profitability of each job or service. This will enable the client to know whether prices should be raised, vendor negotiations for lower prices should commence, or if they are where they should be for pricing and expenses. If the project is ongoing and is being tied out to a budget, the client will be able to see if they are in line with the budget or if there are overages that need to be addressed.